Greyfell Lords Codes
Here are our Alliances principals and codes:
The Greyfell Lords are a tight knit alliance based in the Greyfell Area. Our operating Principals are close cooperation,Honesty and peace through strength.
Our motto is "Peace Through Strength"
We are open to new members who share and support this philosophy. We are diverse enough to support factions interested in specialization, such as focus on magic, exploration, or combat/beastmastery. We aid our members in building castles and much more.
In joining the Greyfell Lords, you will have to agree to our basic codes:
1) Each member faction will be requierd to assign one Nobel to the Greyfell Defence Forces.
2) Coordinating of activities and cooperation in group projects is desierable
but not requered with the exception of #1.
Examples include assigning Nobels to help with big projects, Training
horses for trade routs , assisting with castle construction, coordinating
exploration activities, ect.
3) Support group diplomacy: We all defend each other on our continental
Provinian Lands, All are members are safe and defended on our lands. No
unprovoked attacks on other factions.
Group planning for a military campaign when it comes up.
4) Adherance to the "Peace Through Strength" Motto.
5) A faction that leaves the Greyfell Lords must travel beyond the Lords
borders. As well as drop all Lords coordinated activites. This faction
if not convicted as a traitor or some evil act will be reimbursed accordingly.
Tratiors will be hunted and Killed.
We are an Representative Oligarchy and all members are considered equals in every way "each has 1 vote no matter what office held". Any member at any time may call for a vote on any subject. Although the leader is not required to call for a vote on every issue as he was voted in and he is trusted by us all.